Staffing Guide - How it works

Staffing Guide Overview

The purpose of this feature is to guide the effective development of Staffing Guidelines (aka Variable Staffing Plan or Daily Staffing Plan) for a given scheduling unit. This feature will aid in the production of staffing guidance that is consistent with both the inputs and the upcoming forecasted patient volumes. This will be in the form of either: a) Ratios & Activities, which is a set of quantitative statements defining caregiver time required by patient care activity, or b) Census Grid which specifies required levels of staff by position for each potential Census level. That Staffing Guide will then be used to forecast staffing levels needed for a given Position Group in a staffing unit.

The primary users of the Staffing Guide will be Nursing Departmental Managers and or Directors.  There may also be clinical workforce planners within a Nursing Operations team that use it as well.

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