General FAQ's

Q:  Is Flexwise building our staffing grids, or are we?

A:  The staffing grids in Flexwise are being pulled from the variable staffing plans (VSPs). Any changes will be updated within one business day.

Q:  How are base numbers and forecasts determined?

A:  Base numbers are pulled either from the staffing template or core staffing template. The forecast is based on census numbers.

Q:  If a new staffing guide is created, what happens to the old one? Can you have multiple guides?

A:  Flexwise can store multiple guides for reference, but only one will be designated as ‘active’ at a time. Previous guides will be stored in the system automatically.

Q:  What, if any, indicator is there that someone receives a scheduling message and how are they receiving it?

A:  There should be an error if it failed to go through (bad phone #, etc.) but there is no indicator if it has been read.

Q: I would like different clusters set-up for my unit, how do I go about doing that?

A: You will need to contact Flexwise support and let them know how you would like them set up. They will then change them on the backend.

Q: Why am I not seeing whole numbers in some areas of Lookahead?

A: Those numbers are an average for all the shifts that are selected at the top. If you narrow it down to a specific shift for the day it will give you a more accurate number for that particular time frame. Please note that it may not always be a whole number as these numbers are based off of time in and time out. For example if the unit is set up for 12 hour shifts and you have one nurse leaving mid shift then that nurse will count as a .5 in your numbers.

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