Staffing Guide - Column Descriptions

Column Descriptions - Staffing Guide

Avg Census  (Average Census) - This is an average of the forecasted patient census for this unit for the last 6 months and the next 6 months.  This number is created by applying predictive analytics to the historical census from the EMR. 

Effective Productivity - Effective Productivity is the productivity that will be (or would have been) achieved using this staffing guide.  This number is created by applying the staffing guide to the forecasted (or historical) census and determining how many patient care hours per patient metric (day or visit) will result (or would have resulted.)

Target Productivity - Target Productivity is the productivity target currently on record for this unit and Position Group (Nurses, Techs, etc.)

Percent of Target -The percentage that will be (or would have been) achieved with the Effective Productivity in relation to the Target Productivity.

Patient Care Ratio - The ratio of patients per clinician that will be (or would have been) achieved with this Staffing Guide. This number is created by applying the staffing guide to the forecasted (or historical) census and determining how many patients per clinician will result (or would have resulted.)

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