Staffing Guide: Viewing, Video Included

Viewing a Staffing Guide

Once you have logged into Flexwise select plan from the menu to the left and then select staffing guide from the menu at the top.

To view a staffing guide select the facility all the way to the right of the page by clicking on the arrow button and then select the unit right below it.  You can now select the View All Staffing Guides to the left of the page.  A view of all staffing guides that are in draft mode (have not been approved yet), as well as those that have been approved, will appear.  Once you select a staffing guide you can view it with or without the Patient Care Ratio. Please note that staffing guides are approved by those that the facility has given permission to do so.

If you would like to view more information on Staffing Guide,  please click on the video below.

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