How is Flexwise different from your Workforce Management?

The Workforce Management application that you use is for staff scheduling. It is used to create, publish and maintain schedule assignments for nurses and nursing support resources.

Flexwise is a Workforce Planning application that uses patient demand forecasting to help nurse leaders precisely identify the appropriate staffing levels when creating schedules, as well as, determine when staffing adjustments may be required within the current schedule period.

Flexwise and your workforce management application are designed to work together to ensure units are properly staffed. Flexwise pulls patient census and acuity data from your EMR periodically throughout the day and updates predicted patient demand,

After updating the forecasts, Flexwise pulls the current staff schedule data from your workforce management application to help nurse leaders determine where staffing levels may need to be adjusted to meet fluctuations in predicted demand. The goal is to help units make needed staffing adjustments well in advance, thereby reducing the need to make last-minute staffing changes at the beginning of each shift.

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