Scheduling - Column Descriptions

Column Descriptions - Scheduling

B -  (Base) The number of patient care staff in the Base Schedule Template for that day and time period.

F - (Forecast) The forecasted number of patient care staff that will be needed for that day and time period.

B-F - (Base minus Forecast) The gap between how many patient care staff will be needed and what is on the Base Schedule Template for that particular day and time period.

C - (Core) The forecasted number of staff that will be needed for that day and time period, but limited to the amount of core staff available that week, providing the optimal way to deploy insufficient resources. 

B-C - (Base minus Core) The gap between what will be needed (limited to the Core available) and what is on the Base Schedule Template for that particular day and time period.

Underscheduled - A period with this highlighting has more need than is scheduled in the Base Schedule Template.

Overscheduled - A period with this highlighting has more patient care staff scheduled in the Base Schedule Template than is needed.

Staffed Beds - For the three scenarios (Base Schedule Template, Forecasted need, Forecast need limited to core availability), this is the average number of beds that can be staffed during the selected 6 week scheduling time frame.

Average HC -  (Average Headcount) For the three scenarios (Base Schedule Template, Forecasted need, Forecast need limited to core availability), this is the average patient care headcount that would be staffed during the selected 6 week scheduling time frame.

Patient Care Ratio - For the three scenarios (Base Schedule Template, Forecasted need, Forecast need limited to core availability), this is the Patient Care Ratio that would be achieved during the selected 6 week scheduling time frame.

Productivity - For the three scenarios (Base Schedule Template, Forecasted need, Forecast need limited to core availability), this is the patient care Productivity (Hours Per Patient Day) that would be achieved during the selected 6 week scheduling time frame.

% of Target Productivity - (Percentage of Target Productivity) For the three scenarios (Base Schedule Template, Forecasted need, Forecast need limited to core availability), this is the percentage that will be achieved with the projected Productivity in relation to the Target Productivity.

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