Base Schedule Template - View - Video Included

Viewing the Base Schedule Template

Once you have logged into Flexwise select plan from the menu to the left and then select base schedule template from the menu at the top.  You will now need to select your facility and unit to the right of the page.

The base schedule template can be viewed either by Period, which shows you the breakdown in 4 hours blocks for both day and evening, or shift which is the 12 hour shift for both day and night.

Within the main screen you can view just as is or you can select scheduled shifts which will show you the breakdown of start and end times for each assigned shift, productivity & patient care ratios, and forecast which will show you the understaffed number highlighted in red or the overstaffed number highlighted in yellow.  You can select to view all of them at once or individually.  At the bottom of the page you can view the 6 month metrics for the staff.

If you would like to view more information on Base Schedule, please click on the video below.

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