Base Schedule Template- Column Descriptions

Column Descriptions - Base Schedule

PC: % -  (Patient Care Percentage) The amount this position should count towards Patient Care coverage. Typically this is equivalent to the Patient Load for the position. 

PC FTE - (Patient Care Full Time Equivalent) The total amount of Patient Care this Base Schedule template will provide by Day of Week and Planning Shift or Period.

Forecast - The average of the next 6 months forecast amount of Patient Care FTE needed, by Day of Week and Planning Shift or Period.

PC Ratios - (Patient Care Ratios) The forecasted ratio of patients per clinician that will be achieved over the next 6 months. The Base value is calculated by applying this Base Schedule template to the forecasted census. The Forecast value is calculated from the forecasted PC FTE need and the forecasted census.

Productivity - Productivity is the forecasted productivity based on the forecasted census. The Base value is calculated by applying this Base Schedule template to the forecasted census. The Forecast value is calculated from the forecasted PC FTE need and the forecasted census.

% of Target Productivity - (Percentage of Target Productivity) The percentage that will be achieved with the projected Productivity in relation to the Target Productivity.

Staffed Beds - The average number of beds that can be staffed based on the next 6 months forecasted census. The Base value is calculated by applying this Base Schedule template to the forecasted census. The Forecast value is calculated from the forecasted PC FTE need and the forecasted census.

Average HC -  (Average Headcount) The forecasted average staff number per shift. The Base value is calculated from the  Base Schedule template. The Forecast value is calculated from the forecasted PC FTE need.

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