Weekly Schedule - Column Descriptions

Column Descriptions - Weekly Schedule

S -  (Scheduled) The number of patient care staff on the Schedule for that day and time period.

F - (Forecast) The forecasted number of patient care staff that will be needed for that day and time period.

S-F - (Scheduled minus Forecast) The gap between how many patient care staff are scheduled and what will be needed for that particular day and time period.

C - (Census)The forecasted census.

R - (PC Ratio) The expected Patient Care Ratio based on the scheduled patient care staff and the forecasted census.

Understaffed - A period with this highlighting has more need for patient care staff than is scheduled.

Overstaffed - A period with this highlighting has more patient care staff scheduled than is needed.

Key Metrics for the Week

Census - The forecasted census for the week.

Staffed Beds - For the two scenarios (Scheduled & Forecast), this is the average number of beds that can be staffed for the week based on the scheduled patient care staff.

Average HC -  (Average Headcount) For the two scenarios (Scheduled & Forecast), this is the average patient care headcount that would be staffed.

Patient Care Ratio - For the two scenarios (Scheduled & Forecast), this is the Patient Care Ratio that would be achieved during the selected week.

Productivity - For the two scenarios (Scheduled & Forecast), this is the patient care Productivity (Hours Per Patient Day) that would be achieved during the selected week.

% of Target Productivity - (Percentage of Target Productivity) For the two scenarios (Scheduled & Forecast), this is the percentage that will be achieved of the Target Productivity in relation to the projected Productivity.

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