Lookahead - Column Descriptions

Column Descriptions - Lookahead

Fcst Census  (Forecasted Census) This is the forecasted patient census across the units listed and the selected shift(s).  This forecasted number is created by applying predictive analytics to the historical census from the EMR. The top row for each cluster would be the average for the 5 weeks below.

Fcst HC (Forecasted Headcount) This is the forecast of the patient caring staff FTE needed across the units listed and the selected shift(s).  The forecasted HC needed is created by applying the forecasted census levels to the Staffing Guide (i.e. Census Grid) for each unit. 

Sched HC (Scheduled Headcount) This is the scheduled patient caring staff FTE from the latest active schedules for the units listed and the selected shift(s).

Staff Gap (Staff Gap) this is the difference between the Average Forecasted Headcount and the Average Scheduled Headcount (over/under).

FTE Resource Unit

Staff Gap w/ RU


PC Ratio - See Fcst Ratio and Sched Ratio below (both will appear when selected)

Overstaffed - This is the number of 4-hour periods where the scheduled patient caring staff FTE is more than needed to care for the forecasted patient census (overscheduled) across the units listed and the selected shift(s).

Understaffed -  This is the number of 4-hour periods where the scheduled patient caring staff FTE is less than needed to care for the forecasted patient census (underscheduled) across the units listed and the selected shift(s).

Fcst Ratio - (Forecasted Ratio) The forecasted patient care ratio (patients per clinician), created from dividing the forecasted census (Fcst Census) by the forecasted patient caring staff FTE (Fcst HC) for the units listed and the selected shift(s).

Sched Ratio - (Scheduled Ratio) The scheduled patient care ratio (patients per clinician), created from dividing the forecasted census (Fcst Census) by the scheduled patient caring staff FTE (Sched HC) for the units listed and the selected shift(s).

Staffed Beds - The average number of beds that can be staffed with the scheduled patient caring staff FTE (Sched HC), according to the Staffing Guides (i.e. Census Grid) for the units listed and the selected shift(s).

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