Lookahead - Viewing - Video Included

Viewing Lookahead

Once you have logged into Flexwise select align from the menu to the left and then select lookahead from the menu at the top.

To view lookahead click on the position group, clusters and the shift.   Click on the plus button next to totals to see the average total for the selected cluster, for the weeks listed below. Click on the plus button next to the week to see the average total for the selected cluster, for the days listed below. Click on the plus button next to the day to see the total for the selected cluster for that day.  If you select the unit under the date it will take you to the weekly schedule tab to view the schedule associated with that unit.  

Both Sched HC and FTE Resource Unit will allow you to select the number for the specific unit. Once you select that number a slide out will appear to let you know who in scheduled for that specific day.

If you would like to view more information on Lookahead, please click on the video below.

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