Staffing Guide - FAQ's

1. Q:  Why is the staffing guide that I created still showing up as a draft in the list of all staffing guides?  

A:  All staffing guides need to be approved before they become active.  All staffing guides will remain in draft mode until they are approved or deleted.

3.  Q:  Why am I getting an error message when I try to save a new census grid?

A:  All census rows must be filled in with at least the minimum staff that you have designated for that unit.  If your combined number of staff is over the maximum that you designated for that unit                      you will get an error message as well.  

4.  Q:  Why is there more than one column on the census grid?

A:  When you created the census grid you added multiple positions and therefore there will be a column for each position to fill in. 

5. Q:  How do I get the ratio number to appear on the Ratios & Activities guide?

A:  When you create a new guide you must put in the care minutes for the ratio to appear.

6. Q:  What happens if I need to change an approved staffing guide?

A:  You may edit a staffing guide which will then put it in draft mode to be approved.

7. Q:  What are care minutes? 

A:  Care minutes are the minutes that a clinician will be spending every hour with a patient based on the clinician/patient ratio.  An example would be a nurse who has 6 patients, so, therefore, every hour she will be able to spend 10 minutes with each patient.

8. Q:  When authorizing a census grid and adding a note where will that note display and who has access to it?

A:  The note will only be sent to the person who created the grid originally.  That person will receive that note via the method they chose when they set up their account.

9. Q:  When creating a ratios and activities guide what do the numbers mean?

A:  The breakdown of the numbers is for clinician/patient ratios in reference to certain assigned activities.  The goal is to narrow down the exact time that a clinician needs to safely care for each patient  based on those activities. 

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